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Publishing Books by Karen GoatKeeper and Dr. Richard E. Rintz

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Creating a coupon for “Edwina” was an interesting experience. Maybe it will get easier the next time.

However, the coupon for a FREE eBook copy of Edwina takes coupon code RUCH5. It should be easy to get your copy.

Click on the eBook button on the Edwina book page and follow the directions there.

There are free sample pages from the novel available on the book page. Feel free to check these out first.

“Edwina” might have got me thinking of strange beings leading to the Carduans.

cover for "Edwina" by Karen GoatKeeper

Edwina is an upper middle grade novel. It deals with sibling rivalry, divorce and bullying.

Don’t think this is a deep, serious book. Edwina is a big black red-eyed dog visible only to Aleta, but affects other people too.

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The free coupon code for “Edwina” is RUCH5. I would be delighted to have you read the book. I would be flabbergasted if you read the book and left a review here on the book page or at Smashwords.

Cardua: Ship Nineteen is progressing. It is more a series of events than a book with a plot. Yet it does have a plot of survival in nature.

“Life’s Rules” is on hiatus, but not forgotten. There are too many distractions in the spring. Besides, I find I concentrate on one novel at a time.

Opal and Agate: Partners in Adventure is already getting rewrites. And I haven’t gotten past page ten. I’m learning a lot reviewing all of those picture books.

Chemistry now has the shelf and light. Now I need to get those experiments done.

There is so much to get done. It all takes time.

Chicks’ First Day Outside

I’ve been putting handfuls of chickweed in for the chicks. They love the greens.

When I opened the door to the outside for the first time, these chicks were more than ready. There was little hanging back. Instead it was full attack on all those delicious greens.

My garden is filling up one plant at a time. The Savoy cabbage is getting big. With lots of rain, some plants are looking like they will drown.

There are extra seedlings. They will go to the Farmers Market and, hopefully, new homes Saturday.

Several loads of wet manure are now out of the barn. The goats appreciate my efforts, but do their best to dump extra bedding back on the floor for me to clean out the next round.

My present book is “Beautiful Day” by Elin Hilderbrandt. I’ve been catching up on magazines before picking out another nonfiction to read. There are also more picture books, “One Green Apple” and “Rip Squeak and His Friends” this week.

You can keep up with my reading and reviews on Goodreads. As I finish each book, I take the time to write a review on Goodreads. Picture book reviews are on my Goodreads blog. It would be nice if those reading my books would do the same.

Finding My Picture Book Reviews

I really enjoy reading picture books. Often I just stop by and read one as I leave the library. If I tell Goodreads about a picture book, it adds it to my book challenge, messing that up and the average page count.

What I’m doing is putting the picture book reviews, usually two on Tuesday and two on Friday, on my Goodreads blog. You can find me on Goodreads under Karen GoatKeeper.

About GKP Books

I normally sell books through Amazon, Kindle and Smashwords as their sites are secure. Some books, and these are noted, are only available through me. Amazon and I have an ongoing dispute over listing “Asclepias” or any new books. Somehow I am not authorized to list anything new under my name? Some eBooks are too large or complicated for the other sites.

All of the links should be working. If you find one has decided to go on vacation, you can contact me through the now working Contact Page.

Thank you for Stopping By

Keep checking back as the topics on the two posts change every week, weather permitting. Impassable roads can delay things.

polled buck part of Nubian buck bonanza

This is the face of a very spoiled buck kid. And he takes advantage of it.